Family Turned Their Dead Dog into a Bearskin Rug

Is this a great idea, or something only a psychopath would do?

A family in Australia recently lost their dog, a golden retriever that lived a long, happy life. And instead of burying him or having him cremated . . . they had him turned into a BEARSKIN RUG.  (!!!) A taxidermy place near Melbourne posted a video of the finished product on Instagram the other day. They said the family wanted him "preserved as a pelt," and that he was, quote, "finally ready to head home."

(Here's the video. Careful! It might be upsetting to some people.)

To be fair, it's almost like having the dog there with you. His fur is soft, and you can still pet it. But also . . . it's your dog as a RUG. That's a little different than doing it with a bear you had no emotional connection to.

The reaction in the comments has been mixed. There were some positive comments early, mostly from other customers who follow the place online. Some of the more recent comments haven't been so supportive. 

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