Survery Says Santa Should Be Female or Gender Neutral

There is always something going on in the news that has people talking and this time it is involving a Christmas classic. It involves Santa Claus and his gender. You see The Graphic Springs, a graphic design and branding firm went around and started asking people about Santa and his looks. 

They asked 400 people from America and the UK about their thoughts on Santa. 27% of the people thought that good Ol' Saint Nick should be viewed as a woman or gender neutral. They also had some very interesting other things that was asked during The Graphic Springs survey that pertained to the jolly old man:

  • 18% surveyed said that Santa should change up his hairstyle
  • 21% think he should go on a diet
  • 18% think he should wear a pair of skinny jeans
  • 20% think he should get some tattoos
  • 23% thinks he needs an iPhone

If you'd like to see more of what people had to say about Santa, check it out HERE! 

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